Hello Neighbor + Hello Neighbor Hide & Seek

Pingle Studio brings
Hello Neighbor
for Androis and iOS devices

Case study

tinyBuild reached more
paying players by letting us
port Hello Neighbor to iOS
and Android

Adapting existing code
to mobile stores requirements.

Console-like graphics and
performance on Android devices via
content optimization pipeline.

Touchscreen controls for
mobile designed from

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here are some solutions we’re
especially proud of

It took ten developers from our team two months to create the iOS version of Hello Neighbor and three months for the Android version. Throughout that time, they overcame many challenges to help tinyBuild bring Hello Neighbor to life on mobile.


Reproduce Hello Neighbor’s console-grade graphics on mobile devices.


01. Analyze CPU/GPU profiles to detect the most resource-consuming assets of the game.

02. Analyze the most resource-consuming assets from an art perspective.

03. Make required changes to adapt graphics without loss of artistic quality:
remove unnecessary geometry
decrease shader complexity
simplify post-processes


Design touchscreen controls for the mobile game from scratch.


01. Create multiple control prototypes.

02. Test the prototypes on a focus group.

03. Adjust the most popular scheme based on user feedback and implement it into the final design.


Achieve high performance for Hello Neighbor on mobile devices.


01. Analyze CPU/GPU profiles to detect the most resource-consuming assets of the game.

02. Create a content optimization pipeline based on the CPU/GPU profile results.

03. Test the content optimization pipeline on a small slice of the game, and replicate results once successful.


Ensure a seamless gameplay experience for players to enjoy on mobile devices.


01. Perform playtests to detect most difficult places for players

02. Modify gameplay to enable better control through those parts of the game.

Let us help you
achieve greater
game art img 0329
game art img 0327
game art img 0330
game art img 0328
enjoy hello neighbor

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